Can we agree that Amazon now officially rules the world? With the 2020 Pandemic we saw more people quarantined at home and doing their shopping online with Amazon being a big recipient of that. You would have to go out of your way to not use Amazon because they make it so convenient, especially if you sign up for an Amazon Prime. You get all sorts of benefits but the main ones are fast and free deliveries. Imagine ordering just one item and not having to worry about ordering more things to make your shipping cost worth to purchase the item or ordering enough to qualify for free shipping. In this article we will be discussing about what benefits Amazon brings and is the Amazon Prime cost justified for what they are providing.

What does Amazon Prime Cost?

Amazon Prime is Amazon’s premium membership that provides Amazon shoppers with faster free shipping, streaming music and video, exclusive deals and more. Amazon Prime Cost: Amazon has two versions of their Amazon Prime service - Amazon Prime and Amazon Student which cost $119 per year or $59 per year respectively for annual subscriptions. You can pay monthly at a discounted rate with Amazon Prime starting at $12.99 per month and Amazon Student costing $6.49 per month. Amazon assures a faster delivery because it is handling the shipping of your order, thus you get it delivered in 2 days or less with Amazon Prime membership unlike normal free shipping which could take 5-8 days depending on a lot of different factors and how Amazon ships your order.

Amazon Prime customers also benefit from Amazon’s streaming library of movies and TV shows which you can watch or download to a compatible device with Amazon Instant Video access. Amazon spent $11 billion on Prime Video and music in 2021 to get more original content onto their platform.

Is the Amazon Prime Cost justified yet? On top of the free shipping & free streaming library content, you also get free unlimited photo storage with 5GB of video storage. I’ll admit the 5GB video storage isn’t very much but imagine storing all of your family photos at full-resolution (uncompressed, original quality) and there is no limit to how many pictures you can take and store. Amazon Prime customers get Amazon unlimited access to over 1 million songs and you can listen to Amazon songs on any device that allows you to stream music.

If the Amazon Prime Cost is not justified with all of those features, Amazon has one more thing up their sleeve for Amazon Prime members. It’s the exclusive deals where Amazon sometimes runs sales exclusively for Amazon Prime members. Amazon recently offered a 50% discount on Amazon Echo devices and Amazon Echosimchat integration. Amazon is giving Amazon Prime members an opportunity to save more money and gain access to exclusive Amazon deals not available to non-Prime consumers, where they hold a yearly event called Prime Day.

Reduce Your Amazon Prime Costs

If you love the Amazon Prime video content and that’s all you want to have access to, you can cut your Amazon Prime cost and get Amazon Prime Video at a huge discount without paying the $119 yearly or the $12.99 per month. Go to and sign up for a free account and you can get a subscription to the Prime Video for just $3.99 per month for a 70% savings! As stated earlier, Amazon has recently invested over 11 billion dollars to generating more original content for the end user. Sign up today to enjoy amazing movies and TV shows exclusively on Amazon.

Tech enthusiast

I’d like to call myself a fellow ‘Watcher’. I might not know everything, but I can almost always figure it out. Worst-case scenario all I need is a little time and my good buddy, Google.

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