Philo is a video streaming service where you can watch TV live and on-demand.

Shows can be watched live or recorded for later viewing, and users can also stream from a vast library of content on-demand.

With Philo, you can access over 60 television channels, including your favorites: Comedy Central, Food Network, Discovery Channel, MTV, and more!

Say goodbye to expensive cable bills when you share a Philo account with your friends and family!

Can a Philo Account Be Shared?

Yes! Up to ten people can share a Philo account for only $25 a month. Add-ons like Epix and STARZ are available at a small extra monthly cost.

Each of the ten profiles can customize their own sign-in credentials.

The profiles also allow users to personalize their viewing preferences and television recordings.

Allowing ten people to one Philo account creates a wonderful sharing experience for users.

A Philo account also allows you to stream on up to three separate devices at once.

Even though ten people are allowed to share an account, Philo limits the viewing to the standard three devices at one time.

How Can Together Price Help Me?

Together Price is a free system that allows subscription sharing.

If you sign up to Together Price, we can help you share the cost of Philo with friends or family.

Over 1 million users currently use Together Price to split the cost of their subscriptions.

You’ll no longer have to worry about high subscription fees.

With a shared subscription, you can cut your costs by up to 80% on all your favorite digital services!

Together Price takes the stress out of sharing a subscription with multiple people__.

Sharing groups are formed to divide and collect all monthly costs.

How to join Together Price:

  1. Sign Up and Create an Account You can also use an existing Google or Facebook account. If you don’t have one, you can enter your current email and create a password.

  2. Choose Which Subscription You Want to Share. For people wanting to share subscriptions, Together Price offers a wide range to choose from. You can select one or more of the subscriptions offered by Together Price.

  3. Decide Between Joining a Sharing Group or Creating a Sharing Group. A sharing group is what allows people to share subscriptions easily. Join an existing group or form a new group.

  4. If you want to Create a Group, Share the Invitation Link. Sharing the invitation link with the people you want to share a subscription with is essential. The link will allow them to access the sharing group and to pay their portion of the subscription.

  5. Making Payments Within a Sharing Group. All payments from the members of your group are collected within the group, to make the cost-sharing of subscriptions an easier process.

Access all your favorite subscription services for an affordable price with Together Price!

Joining __Together Price takes the headache out of sharing a subscription with multiple people.

Monthly fees are consolidated into one group space, making it easier than ever to keep track of payment schedules.

There’s no time to lose! Sign up and start saving money TODAY!

Save up to 80% on your favorite subscriptions!