Whether you are addicted to binge-watching TV series or to films our members love, or even if you want your nights to be relaxing and enjoyable, the creative industry of Netflix’s streaming service is the place for you.

Here we will tell you all you want to know about Netflix’s prices for UK subscribers updated to its most recent terms and conditions.

But, bet you didn’t know that by using a fantastic platform called Together Price, you can save up to 75% on your Premium tier subscription to Netflix! That means instead of paying £15.99 for the Premium tier, you only get to pay £3.99 per month!

How much does Netflix cost?

Netflix offers its customers three different subscription plans:

  • The Standard Plan with ads for £4.99 per month, without the possibility to download content but allows streaming in Full HD on two devices at the same time;

  • The Standard Plan without ads for £10.99 per month allows to stream and download on two devices in simultaneous streams in Full HD viewing;

  • Netflix’s Premium Plan for £15.99 per month allows to watch and download on up to four devices simultaneously in Ultra HD 4K.

Sharing Netflix outside your household

Netflix has not cut down on sharing, it has only set new rules for sharing it legally.

Therefore, now there are three new options for sharing this streaming service outside your household:

Netflix Standard + 1 Extra:

At the cost of £15.98 a month (£10.99 + £4.99) you can add 1 Extra member that lives outside your household to share your Netflix subscription with all the benefits of a Standard subscription;

Netflix Premium + 1 Extra:

At the cost of £20.98 a month (£15.99 + £4.99) you can add 1 Extra member that lives outside your household to share your subscription with all the benefits of a Premium subscription;

Netflix Premium + 2 Extras:

At the cost of £25.97 a month (£15.99 + £4.99 + £4.99) you can add 2 Extra members that live outside your household to share your subscription with all the benefits of a Premium subscription.

With the new rules, the owner of the subscription will have to decide how many people not living under the same roof to share with. At that point, after buying the subscription they will send an invitation to the Extra member who will then receive access to their own profile with a unique username and password.

Have you ever thought of sharing your Netflix account?

Yes, that can become a messy business, of course. Finding people to share with, chasing them for their money, keeping tabs on payments. It’s all so time and energy-consuming.

If you haven’t heard, there is a new service that does it all for you. It’s called Together Price, and it’s the first worldwide platform for sharing subscription costs. More than 1.5 million users are already enjoying the benefits of Together Price.

Together Price

Together Price is the world’s first legal account-sharing site. We connect consumers in a secure social network, so if you have an account with Extra members but have no’one to share with, we will help you pair off with trusted members from our network.

All you have to do is decide whether you want to become an Admin or a Joiner.

Become an Admin

You can use Together Price as an Admin if you have a subscription in your name. If you want to share the subscription with people living in your house, the traditional plans are for you.

On the other hand, if you want to share your subscription with a person that doesn’t live with you, then you have to subscribe to a plan with Extras.

Here’s how: :

- Register on Together Price. It’s free!

- Insert your data;

- Create a group, for example Netflix Standard + 1 Extra or Netflix Premium + 2 Extras by clicking on “Create Group”;

- Accept requests to join and receive payments.

Become a Joiner

You can also use Together Price as a Joiner if you don’t have a subscription but still would like to have Netflix. In this case, you can join an Admin’s group.

Here’s how:

  • Register on Together Price. It’s free!

  • Look for a Netflix Standard or Premium group, with 1 or 2 Extra slots.

  • Send you request to join and pay your part.

With Together Price you can continue to watch Netflix sharing and saving while we take care of all the rest!

Summing Up

I know this was a lot of information to process. But the outcome is one, get yourself a subscription and watch Netflix. You can now share it with both members of your own household and members of other households as well in a totally legal way.

Plus, with Together Price, you can share Netflix and its creative industry of filmmaking from only £3.99 a month!

Tech enthusiast

I’d like to call myself a fellow ‘Watcher’. I might not know everything, but I can almost always figure it out. Worst-case scenario all I need is a little time and my good buddy, Google.

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