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Who can I share my subscription with?

Before starting to share, check the Terms and Conditions of the service or product you want to share and make sure that they allow sharing and the relational context in which sharing is allowed.

For this reason, on Together Price you will find 4 different categories which are the 4 possible relational areas required: family, household, friends and work team.

For example, some services allow sharing only with members of the same household, others only with members of the same family, others only with work colleagues.

Once the sharing requirements have been defined, you can create your group and choose whether to make it public or private. In the first case, you will receive requests from users who see your post on the Network of Together Price. These requests will be accepted automatically if they meet the requirements. If your group is private, then the group is hidden and visible only by those who receive the invitation link directly from you.

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