This article will guide you step-by-step on how to cancel your ESPN Plus subscription if you wish to do so. Or, if it’s money that’s becoming the issue, we even have a great tool, called Together Price, to help you save.


1. What is ESPN Plus?
2. Before cancelling
3. Cancel your ESPN Plus on the web:
4. Cancel ESPN Plus on the phone
5. Cancel your ESPN Plus on your IOS device
6. Cancel ESPN Plus from an Android device
7. Cancelling your subscription using email
8. Share the cost of ESPN using Together Price
9. Becoming an Admin or Joiner
10. Summing up

1. What is ESPN Plus?

ESPN Plus is the home run of subscription services for streaming sports content. You can gain access to a host of exclusive sports videos, live games, documentaries and many more perks for the sports fanatics out there!

You can pay for a monthly or annual subscription; costing $6.99/month while annual subscribers pay $69.99/year; it’s not very expensive compared to other streaming services, but of course you have the option to terminate your subscription at any time you would like.

If you subscribed to ESPN Plus for the baseball, soccer, basketball or any other game’s season and want a break from it, or if the price is just too much for you, it’s easy as cake for you to cancel your ESPN Plus subscription.

The process is painless to complete but will differ depending on the streaming device and the payment method you have used to subscribe.

This article will guide you through the cancellation process so you don’t drop the ball and waste any time. If you want to cancel because you’re finding it a bit too much money at the moment, we have a really great tool to save you the cost of a full subscription - stay tuned!

2. Before cancelling

We recommend that before cancelling your subscription, you check your bank statements so you can be sure which service/payment method you are using.

Also, when you cancel ESPN, they will not offer refunds for cancellation; partially used billing periods will allow you to keep using the service until the expiration date.

3. Cancel your ESPN Plus on the web

You can cancel your ESPN subscription if you signed up for ESPN Plus on the web and paid with your credit card credentials.

To cancel ESPN Plus, the steps are as follows:

  1. Go to the ESPN accounts page on the ESPN website;

  2. Enter your account details;

  3. Select “manage”, then click “cancel subscription”;

  4. Just confirm cancellation by clicking the “confirm” button.

4. Cancel ESPN Plus on the phone

If you want to talk to an ESPN representative, you can do so by calling ESPN customer support on 001 888-549-3776.

Just tell them why you would like to cancel. Make sure to request confirmation of your cancellation.

5. Cancel your ESPN Plus on your IOS device

If you’ve your ESPN plus subscription is billed through Apple (check your bank statements to see if this is the case!), you can cancel it through your mobile device quite easily.

  1. Go to the settings app

  2. Tap your Apple ID, which can be found at the top

  3. Tap subscriptions

  4. Click on ESPN

  5. Tap cancel subscription

Your subscription now won’t automatically renew at the start of the billing period

6. Cancel ESPN Plus from an Android device

If ESPN bill you for their streaming service through the Google Play Store and you wish to cancel, android also make unsubscribing very simple for its users and the steps are listed below:

  1. Open the Google Play app on your mobile device

  2. Click the menu icon in the top left corner

  3. Tap the settings option

  4. Tap on your subscriptions from the drop-down menu

  5. Tap ESPN plus

  6. Select cancel subscription

7. Cancelling your subscription using email

ESPN Plus gives you the choice to even cancel your subscription by email, if you like! Add your full name, your subscription details and a request for cancellation of your subscription to the following email address:

That’s how you can really simply and quickly unsubscribe from ESPN, should you wish to. However, if you’re only seeking to do this because of the cost of the service, an easy, safe and secure network is emerging as a means of cutting the cost of subscription services: Together Price.

Together Price is the first worldwide platform that lets you share your online subscription costs legally, safely and securely.

8. Split the cost of ESPN using Together Price

Together Price is an innovative platform where you can have fun sharing your digital services. It gives you the following benefits and advantages:

  1. A Trusted Network based on high levels of control and reliability that can measure the credibility of every user. Our reliability rating for each user reassured you that you’re sharing with a trustworthy person.

  2. The Tpassword System for the safety and security of your credentials and access to shared services.

  3. One Digital Wallet to keep all your payments under control. We use Stripe as the payment system so that all of your payment details remain hidden from other users. Stripe also has a strict anti-fraud data protection system.

  4. All transactions take place in a safe environment with an SSL security certificate, so you don’t risk any details being leaked.

  5. An exclusively dedicated chat line where you can communicate with other users.

Not to mention our 25-day cooling-off period, so that if on the off chance you do face issues from another user, you can always get your money back.

The only things you need to decide when signing up to Together Price are which subscriptions you want to take out, whether you will be a group Admin for that subscription, or if you will become a Joiner.

9. Becoming an Admin or Joiner

If you sign up to be an Admin, you will be sharing your subscription. If you need, Together Price will help you find people to share with. Alternatively, you can coordinate regular contribution payments from someone you already know.

How to become an Admin

  • Create an account on Together Price for free.

  • Fill in your details.

  • Create a group.

  • Decide if you want your group to be public (everyone on Together Price can ask to join) or private (you send invitations to whomever you decide).

  • Send an invitation link or wait for others to join.

  • Get paid monthly. The money goes into your digital wallet, and you can download it to your bank account after 25 days.

How to become a Joiner

A Joiner joins someone else’s subscription group.

  • Sign up on Together Price. It’s free.

  • Fill in your details.

  • Search for groups you are interested in joining.

  • Join a group and pay monthly to the Admin! You will have to pay a small commission fee to Together Price for their service (less than $2).

With Together Price, you share and save while we sort out the rest!

Whether you are an Admin or a Joiner on Together Price, you will be able to enjoy the best sports streaming services, as well as a host of streaming services like Netflix, Disney Plus, Apple Music, and many more.

11. Summing up

It’s easy to unsubscribe from ESPN Plus and can be done in all manner of ways if you’re not too technologically savvy.

However, it could be even easier to cut out the loss of a great sports streaming platform if you sign up with Together Price and substantially reduce the amount coming out of your pocket per month or per year.

Give it a go!

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I’d like to call myself a fellow ‘Watcher’. I might not know everything, but I can almost always figure it out. Worst-case scenario all I need is a little time and my good buddy, Google.

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