Have you ever experienced warm feelings for family reunions? If you have, this TV series makes you feel happiness, family love, sacrifices for each other and the compromises necessary to live a happy life. This family reunion consists of toe-tapping, memorable, soul amusing, and heartwarming moments that anyone can relate to. Besides, all the characters, with their varying personalities, give spiffing comedy performances.

Family Reunion web series was released in 4 seasons on Netflix.


Family Reunion stars six members of the McKellan family who travel from Seattle to Columbus for reunion purposes, becoming ever closer to each other. All of them agree and consider this transfer to be a good decision. However, sullen teenager Jade isn’t happy because she misses her unforgettable time spent in Seattle. Cocoa, Moz’s wife, finds that a pleasant environment is a positive influence on them all, especially on Jade. In the last episode, they begin to live a whole new life of beauty, happiness, and pleasure in Columbus.


The McKellan family in Family Reunion consists of six members:

  1. Tia Mowry, who plays the role of the mother Cocoa Mckellan, is big on new-age parenting.

  2. Anthony Alabi, who plays the role of Cocoa’s husband Moz Mckellan, is a retired football player in Seattle.

  3. Alia Jackson, who plays the eldest daughter of Cocoa and Moz in the series, is a self-oriented girl who wants to live a self-identifying journey.

  4. Isaiah Russel-Bailey, who plays the role of Shaka Mckellan, is the eldest son of Moz and Cocoa.

  5. Jordyn Raya plays the role of youngest daughter Ami Mckellan.

  6. Cameron K. Wright plays the role of son Mazzi Mckellan, the youngest son of Moz and Cocoa.


Meg Deloatch created this funny American comedy TV series, produced by Robert West and Scott Hartle. Their Mega Diva company released it in two seasons, with the first season on the 10th of July 2019. It was released on Netflix streaming, and currently, all four seasons are available on Netflix.

Where can I watch it?

As it is released on Netflix, you may watch Family Reunion on Netflix.

Why do people like it?

Meg Delotatch is a veteran of traditional comedy series. She says that this series taught her how to live a balanced life while facing many crises and problems. Children should behave and keep calm with their parents, and parents should also know how to be kind albeit firm. It also highlights the difference between old southern African-American and modern parenting techniques. All these reasons make it a really enjoyable story with a rating of 8.2 given by 10,998 users.

Frequently Asked Questions

• Will there be a season 3 of Family Reunion?

Yes, Family Reunion season 3 was renewed on Netflix for further 10 episodes.


It is all about the African-American McKellan family leaving Seattle for a family reunion in Columbus. They start this new journey by struggling through various issues just for the sake of a family reunion. Their varying characters and roles are beautifully portrayed while living a balanced, happy life even with limited resources when they decide to remain in Columbus.

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