Are you fond of science fiction and action series? Are you interested in watching aliens and monsters interact with humans? Ultraman brings a fantastic story of how superpowers help Hayata, a member of Science Patrol, to defend the safety of people on Earth from giant monsters and aliens.


Ultraman is an animated combination of action, drama, and science. Hayata, the main character, suddenly becomes a superhero. He is a part of Science Patrol, the only agency that can defend people on Earth by fighting against dangerous aliens and giant monsters. This story revolves around how Hayata uses his superpowers to protect humanity.

The Ultraman animated series has much the same storyline as the original version but with new touches to it. The changes are liked by some and disliked by others. So it’s up to you to watch the series and form your own opinion.


Shinjiro Hayata is a young, soft-hearted boy who inherits his superpowers from his father. He is strong, just, and kind and is always ready to fight against his enemies to save and protect innocent lives.

Shin Hayata, Shinjiro’s father and senior member of the Science Patrol firm

Dan Moroboshi is a warm-hearted person from the Land of Light who is always very passionate about protecting innocent lives due to his attraction to humanity. Due to severe injuries, he starts losing his powers, and in order to regain them, he has to go back to his native planet.

Seiji Hokotu is a brave person who helps many orphans escape the severe attack of monsters along with Yuko Minami. Regardless of the danger, they both saved many innocent lives and were finally gifted with Ultra Rings by Ultraman Ace.


Ultraman is the combined effort of Production I.G. and Tsuburaya Productions. It is based on a classic Japanese manga and is directed and produced in Japan. On April 1, 2019, the first season was released on Netflix. Producers are planning to release a second season by the end of 2021 or at the beginning of 2022.

Where can I watch Ultraman?

You can watch the official Ultraman season on Netflix.

Why do people like this?

Ultraman’s animation is action-packed and immensely engaging. Also, the suspense build-up keeps the viewer excited and captivated.

Frequently Asked Questions

● Is Ultraman Appropriate for Kids?

Ultraman is an animated series loaded with action and excitement. It uses motion capture technology, C.G. animation styles, leading to realistic-looking scenes. It is not advisable for younger children.

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