Spotify is one of the most well-known and popular music streaming services around. But in a market where there are so many different services available, maybe you’ve decided it’s time to try out another streaming platform like Tidal Music or Apple Music.

Before you can sign up for a new account, you need to cancel Spotify Premium, and we are going to show you how to cancel Spotify’s Premium tier on iPhone and web browsers.

Want to save money on your new music streaming platform? Together Price takes all the hassle out of sharing a subscription so that you can effortlessly save money.

Sign up to Together Price today and save huge amounts on your streaming services.

What is Spotify Premium?

Spotify Premium is a paid subscription to Spotify.

The free account on Spotify lets you listen to unlimited music, podcasts, radio stations and curated playlists. With a library of over 70 million songs, there is music for every mood.

So why bother paying? Well, the free plan on Spotify is known for its ads and paying for Premium lets your get rid of them. Such a relief.

A Premium subscription also gives users access to offline listening in the Spotify app, unlimited skips and the ability to listen to any song you choose. None of these perks are available with a Spotify-free account, so it is totally worth upgrading to a Premium account.

How to cancel Spotify Premium on iPhone

Decided to try another music streaming service, or is it just time to cancel your Premium account? Whichever way, it is a pretty straightforward process to cancel your subscription.

The only slightly tricky thing is that you cannot cancel your subscription using the mobile app or the desktop app. Instead, you must use either the Spotify website or the Apple ID settings app on an iPhone.

When you choose to cancel your Spotify Premium subscription, it will not expire until your next billing date.

How to cancel Spotify Premium on iPhone’s Apple ID settings app

If you originally subscribed to your Spotify subscription through the Apple app store, you can also cancel your Spotify Premium subscription through it too:

  1. Open the settings app on your Apple device

  2. Tap your Apple ID profile account icon at the top of the menu. You may need to enter your Apple ID password here.

  3. Tap subscriptions and select Spotify from your list of subscriptions

  4. Tap cancel your Spotify Premium subscription on the Spotify page

If you did not subscribe to the Premium plan through the app store, you will need to use the Spotify website to cancel the Premium account.

How to cancel Premium on the website

To cancel Premium on the website, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your Spotify account on the website.

  2. Click the menu icon in the top right corner of the webpage. On the mobile web browser, this will be an icon with three horizontal lines.

  3. Select account page in the drop-down menu.

  4. Find the section titled your plan and click change plan.

  5. On the next page, scroll down to the Spotify free section and click cancel the Premium.

  6. On the next two pages, Spotify will show you what you will lose if you change your plan and ask you to confirm it. Click continue to cancel Spotify on both pages.

  7. Click yes cancel to confirm your cancellation.

  8. Your account page will be reverted to a Spotify Free plan after the next billing period.

How much does a Spotify Premium subscription cost?

Spotify offers a number of Premium tiers depending on what Spotify account works best for you:

  • The Individual plan lets one account access Premium and costs £10.99 a month.

  • Spotify Duo allows two accounts under one roof to use Spotify and costs £14.99 a month.

  • Spotify Family lets six accounts under one roof access Premium which costs £16.99 a month. This tier lets you use Spotify Kids, an app made to be fully kid-friendly.

  • Spotify Student costs £5.99 a month.

How can you save money when streaming music?

If you are choosing to cancel Spotify in order to save money, you can still access premium music streaming elsewhere whilst saving money. Sadly Spotify is very strict on its account sharing policy, so only users verified to live under the same roof can share an account.

However, other music streaming platforms such as Tidal Music or Amazon Music are laxer and let users share accounts even when they do not live in the same household. If you are able to share your music streaming account, you can share the costs too. That way, you can make great savings!

What happens if you don’t have anyone to share the subscriptions with? Or don’t want the hassle of having to arrange it. Then don’t worry because Together Price is here to help you out.

What is Together Price

Together Price is a free-to-use online platform that helps connect users looking to share their subscriptions. Together Price does all the hard work for you so that you can just sit back and save money whilst sharing an account.

Is Together Price safe?

Together Price is fully legal, safe and secure. To ensure that your personal data is completely safe, Together Price offers:

  • a fully SSL secure certified environment

  • a Tpassword system

  • Stripe Payment with strong antifraud protections

  • a reliability rating system for all users based on their use of the platform

  • a direct chat between members of a sharing group

  • a 25-day cooling-off period

How does Together Price work?

Together Price is incredibly easy to use. You just need to decide if you want to be an Admin or a Joiner.

As an Admin?

As an Admin, you will invite others to share your subscription. To do this, create a sharing group and wait for people to request to join. Accept members into your group and sit back and let Together Price put the money into your account for you.

As a Joiner?

As a Joiner, you will join other users’ subscriptions. To do this, use our search function and find a sharing group you’d like to join. Request to join and add your payment details. Once you have been accepted, Together Price will deposit your share of the money into their account, and you can get right on listening to your new streaming service.

Summing Up

Want to cancel your Spotify account? It’s time to move on and try something new. No worries, follow a few simple steps, and your Spotify will be permanently deleted.

Want to save money on your new streaming service? Well, look no further than Together Price.

With Together Price, you can save huge amounts of money with very limited energy required. Simply sign up and start sharing. What are you waiting for?

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